sábado, 24 de novembro de 2012


Fonte: http://cotton-balls.tumblr.com/If you like glass and things, you should go have a look at; PrettyglassPrint Blocks @pinterest.comLets go to the attic! there’s all sort of interesting stuff to be found there……
its just a click away!I like to take you to a place.
Full of hidden treasures, forgotten and faded things…..
My grandma’s attic.
Just click on the stairs.
Dreama Tolle Perry 

Suhair Sibai. Under Syrian Skies!

2 comentários:

  1. As fotos sao lindas!
    Otima escolha, as acho inspiradoras.
    Obrigada por condividi-las

  2. Marilsa isso é chique, glamoroso para mim! Adorei as imagens e cores! Vc me faz mergulhar em um mundo adorável!
